Small Business Guides

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Bringing Clients to Your Home Office? Don't Forget to do This

Bringing Clients to Your Home Office? Don't Forget to do ThisA home-based business is one of the oldest concepts in commerce. Famous entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs got their start in the garage or basement on the way to billion-dollar enterprises. There is no doubt that one of the best strategies for building your business is to start it at home. You can reduce overhead, improve your availability, and still maintain a good work-family balance. In fact, many businesses continue to operate from... ❯❯❯

Top 7 US Cities for Entrepreneurs to Move to in 2020

Top 7 US Cities for Entrepreneurs to Move to in 2020Do you have a startup idea that you are ready to see realized, but feel that you are not living in the right geographic area? Everyone knows that Silicon Valley has become overpopulated and overpriced. Now, the successful trend is to move across the country to a location where your entrepreneurial dreams can come true for any business idea. You want a location that is affordable and startup friendly. Here is a list of the top seven... ❯❯❯

Tips to Help You Save Time during Job Search

The whole process of identifying, selecting, and choosing your preferred field is confusing and time-consuming. Adding up to those are the hectic duties like filling up forms, preparing for tests and interviews, scheduling interviews, keeping a check on replies, and others. Here are a few stunts you can put up to have a smooth sail during the job search. Take breaks Job searches can be very hectic and take a toll on you. However,... ❯❯❯

To Smile, Or Not To Smile? That Is the Question!

In the past, headshots were only used in the entertainment and modeling industry by celebrities, movie stars, singers, and models to promote and portray themselves. But a headshot is now also being commonly used by the corporate and business world to represent their brand for marketing. A business headshot merges branding between the company and people who are working for them. It gives the business a personal touch and sends a... ❯❯❯

Reasons to Hire an Electrician Sydney

A chance to fix minor structural problems at home may seem like a very tempting offer to most of you. The possibility of saving some money simply adds on to the urge to try fixing these problems with your own limited knowledge. However, it is true that there are some tasks that are best left in the hands of a professional. They not just have the necessary expertise to deal with any electrical, plumbing or other issues with your house,... ❯❯❯


Are you a business owner looking to relocate your office but can’t seem to find a good enough place? Office spaces should be able to represent your business enterprise and should be easily accessible to the clients, investors, and your employees. Depending on the type of business, you should be able to determine the location in which the office space is situated. There are various benefits to getting an office space for rent Philadelph... ❯❯❯

How to Handle Cash Flow Problems in Your SMB

If you are a small or medium-sized business owner, you’ve likely worried about cash flow at some point throughout the life of your business. Whether you run a brick-and-mortar clothing shop or you sell world-class software online, cash flow is a problem that plagues all businesses at some point or another. And there’s no shame in reaching out for help when you need it. Running your business is important and ensuring that you have the... ❯❯❯

Five Business Ideas You Should Revisit

If you are on the hunt for a great business idea, it’s likely that you’ve come across some not-so-ideal business opportunities. That’s not to say that those ideas are any better or worse than other ideas, but that for one reason or another, you felt that they weren’t right for you. It happens. Sometimes aspiring business owners don’t start out with an idea and have to sift through many options to come to a final decision. In spending... ❯❯❯

Artificial Intelligence and the New Sales Process

Gone are the days when the prospecting of CRM systems and cold calling existing customers to upsell them were the primary sales tactics used to hit revenue targets. Artificial intelligence algorithms have revolutionized the entire process of lead generation. "I think the future of Lead Generation is in using sales automation to identify qualified and interested leads better," says Scott Smith, the CEO and President of Launch Leads.... ❯❯❯

Why Businesses Should Consider Email Validators

Have you taken care of your email list? Even though the majority of business owners may not have any idea about the email list hygiene, their marketing teams should. While it seems as if nothing bad would happen if one of the email addresses is wrong, a bad email list can lead to extra expenses, ruined reputation, lost clients, and much more. A simple email validating software can prevent your marketing team from making unfortunate... ❯❯❯