To Smile, Or Not To Smile? That Is the Question!
In the past, headshots were only used in the entertainment and modeling industry by celebrities, movie stars, singers, and models to promote and portray themselves. But a headshot is now also being commonly used by the corporate and business world to represent their brand for marketing.
A business headshot merges branding between the company and people who are working for them. It gives the business a personal touch and sends a message to their clients that they are professional.
For a successful headshot, one must not only hire a top-notch Business Headshot Photographer Frisco tx like Kelly Williams Photography but also prepare for the actual pose. A great Business Headshot Photographer Frisco tx will do wonders for the photo by capturing the best version and moment. But half of the work is required from the other person.
Since the face is being used as a brand image, it is important to present oneself in a way that creates an impression for the brand.
One of the most popular questions that people ask is whether they should smile or not in their photos. It’s a simple question, and yet it requires careful evaluation. The way a person presents themselves for the headshot depends on several factors – the message, medium, and audience.
What Message Do People Wish to Get Across?
One needs to consider the message that they want people to think when they see the photo. The message needs to align with the purpose of the brand or the type of profession. A study conducted by JDP shows that professionals in the HR and recruiting field have a full, toothy smile. This is understandable since they need to look approachable. Meanwhile, a business headshot for a law firm would require the photos to look professional. This means that the person in the photo must look serious, wear a suit, and have a plain background.
Where Will the Photo be Posted?
The medium where the photo is going to be posted is also another factor that must be considered. Is it going to be posted on the company’s website? Is it for a LinkedIn account? Or will it be used for a column in a magazine that features the company’s support for a caring cause? The mood projected in the photo must also fit with the medium; otherwise, it may not attract the right type of people.
Who is the Audience?
Is the company trying to target and get across a fun and adventurous community? If that is the case, then the audience might expect a cheerful demeanor on the business headshot. Maybe the company is aiming for clients who are also serious.
Whatever demeanor a person chooses for their business headshot, they need to make sure that it matches with the audience, medium, and message they are trying to convey. It may be a safe and good idea to try getting both a smiling and non-smiling photo. This way, a person will always have a business headshot ready irrespective of the setting.
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